Hello! Welcome to this blog.I'll do the best to provide you the latest movie.


1.Why are you doing this?
   Just for fun.I just started finding movies from internet for my friends who requested to me because they were
   unable to find the movie. And now I am sharing it with everyone.

2.Did you uploaded all these movies?
   No,all these files are freely available on internet.I just help you to find it,that's all

  All credits goes to original rippers and uploader.

3.How about movie with 001,002,003,00* extension?
   These files are the parts of a single file, you need to use a free utility called Hjsplit (Download it here)
   Put all the parts in the same folder and select the first part in Hjsplit and click join. The utility will find other
   parts and join them to give you a single file.

4.Why your english is so bad?
  I'm sorry,I'm not good in english but I'll try to assist your whenever there is a problem.

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